
Court Reveals Wright's 2024 MYOB Email Was Manipulated to Support False Claims

26 Jul 2024

Dr. Wright's MYOB Ontier email, dated 18 February 2024, has been proven to be a forgery.


Debunking Craig Wright's Sartre Message

26 Jul 2024

Craig Wright attempted to prove he was Satoshi by presenting the "Sartre Message," a signature he claimed was linked to a private key from Satoshi's Bitcoins.


COPA takes Craig Wright to Court for Impersonating Satoshi Nakamoto with Forged Emails

26 Jul 2024

COPA accuses Dr. Craig Wright of forging an email from "Satoshi Nakamoto" to support his claim of being Bitcoin's creator.


Forensic Analysis Exposes Flaws in Craig Wright's Tulip Trust Deed

26 Jul 2024

COPA accuses Dr. Craig Wright of backdating the Tulip Trust Deed, presented as evidence in the Kleiman litigation, to falsely claim it held Bitcoin keys


Inconsistencies Found in Craig Wright’s MYOB Bitcoin Transactions

26 Jul 2024

COPA has accused Dr. Craig Wright of forging MYOB accounting records related to Bitcoin mining transactions from 2009-2010.


Hex-Edited Bitcoin Executable Linked to COPA's Forgery Claims

25 Jul 2024

COPA has accused Dr. Craig Wright of presenting a forged bitcoin.exe document, allegedly manipulated to support his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto.


COPA Accuses Craig Wright of Manipulating Bitcoin Flowchart Documents

25 Jul 2024

A document presented by Dr. Wright as an early Bitcoin source code flowchart is alleged to be a forgery by COPA.


C++ Code Documents in Bitcoin Case Deemed Forgery

25 Jul 2024

Two C++ source code documents presented by Dr. Wright as early Bitcoin models are alleged to be forgeries.


Crypto Open Patent Alliance Finds Evidence of Tampering in Wright's Claim to be Bitcoin Founder

25 Jul 2024

A document claimed to be a precursor to the Bitcoin White Paper, dated December 2008, is alleged to be forged.